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تجاوز إلى المحتوى الرئيسي

Journal of Educational Sciences > Volume 2, No. 2, 1990

The Relationship between the Self-Concept and Scholastic Achievement of Children: An Experimental Study for Building a Positive Self - Concept / Sami M. Milhem

The problem of this research can be outlined as the design and experimentation a counseling program for the building of positive self - concept of children. This study is confined to the identification of the negative aspects in self - concept of children of elementary schools, building a self - concept scale for normal children between ages 9 - 16. and designing a counseling program for the treatment of some kinds of the negative aspects of children between the ages of 9 - 16
The self- concept scale. for normal children between ages 9 - 16 has been applied to a randomization sample of 500 boys and girls representing the elementary schools in Irbid area, Jordan. Then selecting (60) boys and girls for experimental and controlling subjects of which they are the negative aspects in self - concept of them.
The results of statistical and graphs for the collecting of data which indicated the effectiveness of procedures employed in decreasing the possibility of the level of scholastic achievement of children.
This research has offered a pattern for a counseling program aiming at treating with negative self concept.
This program has been ordered, so that the teacher could apply it during his daily school periods.


تاريخ آخر تحديث : يناير 12, 2023 3:04ص