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Journal of Educational Sciences > Volume 27, No. 2, 2015

The Evaluation of the Instructional Practices among Science Teachers in Elementary School in light of Trends Based on Cognitive Economy in KSA / Muneerah Mohammed Fahad Al-Rasheed

This study aimed at: 1) preparing a list of standards for evaluating the instructional practices among elementary school science teachers in light of trends based on cognitive economy in KSA, 2) defining the level of the instructional practices in light of these standards, and 3) clarifying the statistical differences among the instructional practices of science female teachers.The sample of the study consisted of (30) elementary school science female teachers distributed throughout the northern, western, southern and middle centers of Riyadh. The tool of the study was an observation card. After applying the tool and analyzing the results of the study, the study reached six standards for evaluating instructional practices. The results revealed that 1) the level of practicing the first, second, third and fifth standards, i.e. the ethical pillar, preparing female pupils for getting knowledge, developing thinking skills and cooperative work, was high; 2) the level of practicing the fourth and sixth standards, i.e. information and communication technology and leadership, was intermediate; 3) the level of practicing the standards as a whole was high but it did not reach the level of precision (80%); and there were no statistically significant differences among the instructional practices of science female teachers due to the scientific qualification and instructional experience variables.
Keywords: Evaluating, instructional practices, science female teachers, cognitive economy.

Last updated on : January 12, 2023 3:04am