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تجاوز إلى المحتوى الرئيسي

Effect of Feedback on Responding to Self-Concept Scale by a Sample of Male and Female Sixth Grade Students / Mohammad Ahmad Sawalha

This study aimed at investigating the effectiveness of feedback in improving the responding of male - female students to a self-concept scale and the effects of sex, feedback, and interaction between these two variables on self-concept among those students.
The sample consisted of 107 students , 41 females and 66 males,  in sixth grade at the basic stage; their ages were between 11 and 13 years.
The tool of the study was a questionnaire consisting of 72 items along 4 dimensions .T test, two-way ANOVA & MANOVA analysis were used to know the effects of feedback, sex. and interaction among two variables on self-concept,
The results were as follows·
1- There were statistically significant differences between means of the experimental group on pre- and post-overall scales due to post overall scale. But the differences were due to pre-overall scale in case of the control group.
2- There were statistically significant differences between means of control and experimental groups in case of the overall post self-concept scale and in cases of pre-and post , social, and academic self-concept,  due to the feedback effect, but there were no significant differences between means of sex groups on post-overall scale or post-sub-scales
3- There were statistically significant differences between means of groups in cells due to the effect of interaction between feedback and sex.

تاريخ آخر تحديث : يناير 12, 2023 3:04ص