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تجاوز إلى المحتوى الرئيسي

Opinions of the Educational Qualification Diploma Students towards the Use of Video in Studying the Instructional Technology Course in the Faculty of Education at Damascus University / Mohammad Wahid Siam

The study derives its significance from the importance attached to the cognitive reVol.ution, the scientific developments the world witnesses nowadays, and the necessity of using instructional technology, especially video, to cope with this progress and development.
The research problem has been defined through the importance of using video and its effectiveness in teaching the instructional technology course which is a practical and a theoretical course al the same time. Then the aim of the research. its questions and the following hypotheses are defined. The first hypothesis: There is no difference with statistical significance between students' attitude towards using video in studying the instructional technology course according to the sex variable. The second hypothesis: there is no difference with statistical significance between students opinions towards using video in studing the instructional techology course , according to the variable of the period of leaching in service, .
The research used the analytical descriptive methodology by preparing a questionnaire for the students to know their opinions towards using video in studying the instructional technology course. Then previous studies and the position of the research to the previous ones. were displayed. After that the theoretical study showed the importance, the position and the limit of using video in the teaching-learning process. As far as the field study is concerned, the results of the research were revealed by treating them according to chi square, through which the validity of the research hypotheses has been proven. The research results emphasized that there is no effect with great significance concerning the two factors of sex and the experience in teaching on students' opinions towards using video in studying the instructional technology course.
The open questions of the questionnaire showed the importance of video for students, its effectiveness in stimulating their attention, and its effective role in linking theoretical with practical knowledge, and achieving the required work as quickly as possible. In addition. the most important difficulties that face the use of video in teaching. as well as the recommendations through which the use of video can be developed in the teaching - learning process were revealed. Finally, the research offered some methodological recommendations for developing the use of video in teaching.

تاريخ آخر تحديث : يناير 12, 2023 3:04ص