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تجاوز إلى المحتوى الرئيسي

The Role of Art and Art Education in Structuring the Culture of the Arab Child  / Mohammed H Aldoyhi

This research investigates the role that art and art education could play in forming the culture of the Arab child. Children are the real future of any nation and a sound structure of their characters, relative and education leads to a safe future. Despite the fact that the numerous art activities develop the child's aesthetic, conceptual and motor skills, this role is not yet fully acknowledged, and art and art education are still treated as peripheral activities. To clarify the role of art and art education, the researcher has started by defining the key terms which art "culture and " child". Then he stipulated the questions to by answer by the research. These included the desired culture for the Arab child and means of materializing it through art, and stressing the role of art in A few researches that have dealt with this topic were investigated, and the hurdles that face the culture of the Arab child were discussed. These lead to a few recommendations that the researcher hopes will materialize sound culture that secures his proper up-bringing, and his full awareness of his own culture and the other cultures he is subjected to. It is hoped that he will sustain and appreciate his culture and his inherited art activities in their audibility, visuality and motor aspects.


تاريخ آخر تحديث : يناير 12, 2023 3:04ص