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Journal of Educational Sciences > Volume 10, No. 1, 1998

Practice Dispositions in Teaching and Learning History from the Supervisor's Point of View at the High Schools of the Riyadh Region in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia / Nadia A. Bakkar

This study aims to define the practice of dispositions in teaching and learning history in high schools in the Riyadh region and enumerating the relationship between practice dispositions of the teachers and learners of the history subject from the supervisor's point of view. The sample of this study included twenty - six supervisors specialized in the subject of history who were selected from thirty two supervisors of social studies in the Riyadh area. The researcher has prepared a questionnaire of forty - seven indicators to measure the availability of teacher's and learner's dispositions.
The results of this study showed the absence of dispositions in teaching and learning history in high schools of the Riyadh region. Applying the x2 test resulted in insignificant differences between teachers in practice dispositions in teaching history. The results showed similar differences between learners in practice dispositions in learning history. Canonical correlations indicated no relationship between teachers in practice dispositions in reaching history and learners in practice dispositions in learning history.
It was recommended to offer training courses for teaching thinking and its skills for high school teachers. Similar courses should be given for principals and supervisors to change their attitudes towards the value of promoting thinking in developing the society. Further studies are needed for improving and applying both dispositions and promoting thinking.

Last updated on : January 12, 2023 3:04am