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Journal of Educational Sciences > Volume 10, No. 2, 1998

The Differences in Personality Traits That Dispose to Creativity Related to the Interaction between Sex and Major in a Sample of Saudi University Students / Abdullah Taha Al-Safi

The study investigates the differences in personality traits that dispose to creativity (risk-taking, complexity, curiosity, and imagination) as measured by a test prepared by the researcher, related to the interaction between sex and major. The sample consisted of Saudi university students (160 males, 160 females). Data were analyzed using a 2- way ANOVA factorial design : 2 (sex: male, female) X2 (major: science, arts). The results showed significant main effects of sex and major and their interaction on risk taking and complexity. The effect of the interaction of sex and major on curiosity and imagination was also significant. The differences were in favor of male science students in all traits. The results of this study were discussed in terms of the personality theory of creativity.

Last updated on : January 12, 2023 3:04am