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The Effect of Cooperative Learning on the Academic Achievement and Retention of the Mathematics Concepts at the Primary School in Holy Makkah /

Abdullall  Abbas  Mohammed  Ahmed Gubbad

The purpose of this study was to identify the effect of cooperative learning on the academicachievement and retention of the mathematics concepts learning of sixth grade students at primary school in HolyMakkah in Saudi Arabia.The study sample was 59 students divided into two groups: the control group [29 students} which havebeen taught the mathematics concept using the traditional method, and the experimental group , 30 students} whichhave been taught using the strategy of cooperative teaming. An achievement test was used as an instrument tocollect information and study data. Frequencies.percentages. means. standard deviations as well as t-test wereused for the analysis of the study data and information.The results of the stud} showed that there is a statistical significance difference at the level , 0.05, between the means of the perfOrmance of the experimental and control groups on the achievement and retentiontest for the benefit of the experimental group.


Last updated on : January 12, 2023 3:04am